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What is "The Dial"? Watch Parts


"Watch Dial", another confusing word in the watch terminology that you had to google... Let me comfort you, it won't be confusing anymore after a minute.

Definition: The dial is the flat surface of the watch where all the numbers and the hands (indicators) are placed. Think of it like the face of your watch, while the hands are the eyes.

In the picture above, you can see the dial of the watch is highlighted in red, while the rest of the watch is silver.

If you're interested in the details about what components are there on a watch dial, keep reading, otherwise, you've learned what it means, it was that simple!

Components of a Watch Dial

Let's look at the different components of a watch dial, so you know what they are when you come across these words.

1. Hands

The hands are the arrow-like objects that point to the hours, minutes, and seconds. 

2. Indices

Indices are the markers that indicate the hours, and minutes on the dial. They can be simple lines, dots, or numbers.

3. Sub-Dials

Sub-dials are additional dials on some types of watches like chronographs, that show a different indicator than the current time indicator. There are numerous types of sub-dials in the world of watches, but if you're looking at a classic watch, or have one, most likely the watch doesn't have any sub-dials. Not saying it's a bad thing though. I personally prefer simpler watch dials with nothing else other than the 3 main hands, and hour and minute indices. Although some dials can look fantastic with remarkable designs.

4. Date Window

This one is not pointy, many watches have a small window that displays the date. It could be handy when you need to check the date quickly and subtly without checking your phone which is obvious.

5. Logos and Branding

One of the most used parts of a watch to display a logo is the dial. That's where you want to show off the well-known logo of your brand, usually below the 12 indice, at the top.



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Written by B.H.

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