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Should You Buy a Regatta Watch?


You might've seen the term "Regatta Watch" while surfing the internet or shopping for a watch, and if you're wondering what is a "Regatta Watch", you're going to learn in a minute.

Definition: "Regatta" is a series of boat races, usually including sailboats and yachts. There are small events for these races along with international competitions, like the America's Cup or the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. And thus, "Regatta Watches" are watches designed for these boat racers as you can guess from the name now that you know what "Regatta" means.


What Makes a Regatta Watch Special?

Regatta watches help sailors keep track of time in crucial times like the starting countdown of a race. They need to adjust the position of the boat and get ready to hit the full speed at the starting line, and there's usually a countdown timer in Regatta Watches that helps them know when the race is about to start. But it's not usually just a countdown of numbers, but also signals like color-changing dots as indicators.


Some Cool Features

Let's take a quick look at the features of Regatta Watches


Should You Get a Regatta Watch If You're Not A Sailor?

You might be thinking "Okay this watch is not designed for regular wear then". If so, you're wrong. I have a friend who owns a Regatta Watch without ever being on a racing yacth. He wears it almost everyday as it's his new favorite watch, and he somehow manages to makes it look cool as hell. These watches can be incredibly good looking. If you can match them with a nice outfit, there isn't a single reason why you can't rock these watches everyday.


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Written by B.H.

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